Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rise Against

January 27th is drawing closer and closer, and this is the first time I have ever struggled to get a concert ticket.  One of my favorite bands that I have yet to see, Rise Against, is coming to Chicago, and there is no chance that I won't be attending the show.  The only problem is that tickets are 100 dollars online.  That'd be pretty cool if I wasn't broke as a joke.  I've looked everywhere trying to get a ticket, and my closest chance so far is Craigslist.  I contacted someone about a ticket, but its been two days since he last contacted me back.  Even though my family's against the idea of me meeting a stranger downtown to buy a ticket, I'll be buying my train ticket and going the second that the chance is presented to me.

Almost Free

Winter break is so close, and school's finally coming to a two and a half week close.  Even though I'm really not looking forward to break, it'll be a nice escape from school for a little bit.  Christmas is always something to be excited for when someone thinks about things that they will be receiving and time that will be spent with family, and I am really looking forward to that, but other than it, breaks gonna be pretty bland.  I'll probably be up until three watching That 70's Show, then sleeping until two the next day every day.  But still, it's better than getting up at 5:30 every day.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Wednesday Oh Wednesday.

Wednesday was amazing.  Besides that I forgot there was a time change going to Fort Wayne, so I missed the first part of the concert, it was an amazing day.  With amazing moment after amazing moment, I loved the show.  I met some amazing people and I saw some amazing performance.  Next concert, December 18th. Boondox!