Friday, April 25, 2014

Three Cheers for Showers

So as I said I will, it's time to keep this blog updated on the wonders of my babyshower.  I really feel like that sentence made no sense but you get the gist of what I'm saying.  My shower really didn't go quite as terribly as I expected it to.  Did it go smoothly? Ehh. However, it went about as smoothly as it could while the people putting on the shower were ignoring me.  Greeting a hundred people that I don't know was not quite as awkward as I expected it to be, and a high percentage of them were strangely supportive.  I guess they wouldn't have gone if they weren't strangely supportive though.  I had to spend an hour and a half opening my gifts and talking through a microphone though, so that wasn't that fun.  Especially considering I probably will never see any of the gifts again, but that's alright. Well that's really about it. Almost exactly 2 more months until I enter the realm of fatherhood.

Do Epiphanies Really Happen?

So on Friday I went to Chicago to go see Twenty One Pilots again and I was easily the most negative person in the entire building. While all the other teenagers were busy being ignorant and screaming whatever came to their minds, I was standing there thinking about how bad I want to punch each and every one of them in the face.  Then finally once the music hit it was my chance to get my revenge and take out all the unexpected kids who didn't think that you have to move when you are at a concert.  Closer to the end of the show my mood had been brought up, but I was on the verge of passing out because of how hot it was in the building. However, when the piano hit for the encore to begin, I closed my eyes and I would swear that my half-conscious self had an out of body experience.  It was in that moment that I realized that you really only get the opportunity to live once. I feel like I am the key example of someone who needs to try to make the best of a poor situation, and it was at that time that I realized just how lucky I am to even be getting the opportunities to live the way I do.  Life might suck sometimes, but it can be pretty amazing too.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

How's This Gonna Go?

This 3 day break is ridiculously busy which I'm not a huge fan of.  Tonight I go see the great Twiztid once again, and tomorrow I get to take the trip down to the House of Blues for Twenty One Pilots so hopefully that'll be a way of kindve losing myself for a little bit.  After that it is back to reality as my babyshower is on Saturday somewhere in Gary.  Words can not possibly describe how nervous I am to have to grab a microphone and talk to like a hundred people about my kid.  I find it hard to believe that it is going to go smoothly but I'm sure that's what my next blog will be about. Guess we'll see!