Friday, May 9, 2014

Days of the Dead

Considering it was ridiculously hot yesterday that means that we must be coming up on festival/convention season.  While my concert adventures are being mightily limited this year by Skye, that doesn't change the fact that Days of the Dead is still coming to Chicago again this year and I might finally have the opportunity to work for one of my idols.  Days of the Dead is a horror convention that makes four stops each year.  Every year there is one merch booth of a company called Western Evil.  Ever since I discovered it two years ago the owner Neil Diamond has taught me the true fact that I can really make money off my beliefs if I can set my mind to it. Now this year I think he is finally going to allow me to sell merchandise for him and it would be a huge honor.  I'll even pay him to let me work for him if it means I can chill around him for a whole weekend. MENTOR ME NEIL.

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