Friday, May 23, 2014


YO. I finally got a job at Dickeys Barbeque Pit.  I start today and I really am not to pumped for it, but you know not much I can do about it.  I'm just worried that I'm going to accidentally stab someone or something crazy like that?
What is someone's like "Hey Nathan," and I happen to turn around quickly with a knife in my hand? Those are the kind of things that would happen to only me and I'm pretty genuinely worried about it. On top of that I can't cook to save my life, but I'm sure I'll make a great manager.  Maybe I can convince them that they need a mascot and I can dress up like a pig or something.  That'd probably be my safest bet.

Monday, May 19, 2014


On a slightly more positive note, Riot Fest is in the near future.  Fortunately I've made a lot of money lately so all of the baby stuff has been handled and money has been saved, so I have the ability to pull some money out for passes.  Riot Fest is mine and Brittany's anniversary festival and this time will be as great as it is every other year.  Seeing Rise Against, Offspring, Weezer, and Andrew WK is going to be fantastic. Partay.


So in the last month or so I have really lost my ability to care about anything school related.  Too much has been going on and I am always busy daydreaming, and it has began to effect my grades. Considering there's only eight days left, it's time to turn things up and quickly make my way back onto the honor roll before the year ends.  I want to be out of school so badly yet in reality I need to be here.  If it wasn't for school I wouldn't have any form of distraction and I would have clawed my eyes out months ago.  The month where we are out of school before Skye comes is going to be miserable; my wishful thinking has depleted. What is positivity?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Days of the Dead

Considering it was ridiculously hot yesterday that means that we must be coming up on festival/convention season.  While my concert adventures are being mightily limited this year by Skye, that doesn't change the fact that Days of the Dead is still coming to Chicago again this year and I might finally have the opportunity to work for one of my idols.  Days of the Dead is a horror convention that makes four stops each year.  Every year there is one merch booth of a company called Western Evil.  Ever since I discovered it two years ago the owner Neil Diamond has taught me the true fact that I can really make money off my beliefs if I can set my mind to it. Now this year I think he is finally going to allow me to sell merchandise for him and it would be a huge honor.  I'll even pay him to let me work for him if it means I can chill around him for a whole weekend. MENTOR ME NEIL.


I really don't have that much to write about and I'm not sure if my last blogs are going to count or not so time to improvise.  I have an interview at Dickeys Barbeque Pit today and I'm really not looking forward to that but whatever.  It will still be an awesome job to get I just don't like interviews because I make god awful first impressions. Ohemgee tomorrow is my twenty-three month anniversary. One more month and I have been in a relationship for two whole years.  Funny how that works out.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Three Cheers for Showers

So as I said I will, it's time to keep this blog updated on the wonders of my babyshower.  I really feel like that sentence made no sense but you get the gist of what I'm saying.  My shower really didn't go quite as terribly as I expected it to.  Did it go smoothly? Ehh. However, it went about as smoothly as it could while the people putting on the shower were ignoring me.  Greeting a hundred people that I don't know was not quite as awkward as I expected it to be, and a high percentage of them were strangely supportive.  I guess they wouldn't have gone if they weren't strangely supportive though.  I had to spend an hour and a half opening my gifts and talking through a microphone though, so that wasn't that fun.  Especially considering I probably will never see any of the gifts again, but that's alright. Well that's really about it. Almost exactly 2 more months until I enter the realm of fatherhood.

Do Epiphanies Really Happen?

So on Friday I went to Chicago to go see Twenty One Pilots again and I was easily the most negative person in the entire building. While all the other teenagers were busy being ignorant and screaming whatever came to their minds, I was standing there thinking about how bad I want to punch each and every one of them in the face.  Then finally once the music hit it was my chance to get my revenge and take out all the unexpected kids who didn't think that you have to move when you are at a concert.  Closer to the end of the show my mood had been brought up, but I was on the verge of passing out because of how hot it was in the building. However, when the piano hit for the encore to begin, I closed my eyes and I would swear that my half-conscious self had an out of body experience.  It was in that moment that I realized that you really only get the opportunity to live once. I feel like I am the key example of someone who needs to try to make the best of a poor situation, and it was at that time that I realized just how lucky I am to even be getting the opportunities to live the way I do.  Life might suck sometimes, but it can be pretty amazing too.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

How's This Gonna Go?

This 3 day break is ridiculously busy which I'm not a huge fan of.  Tonight I go see the great Twiztid once again, and tomorrow I get to take the trip down to the House of Blues for Twenty One Pilots so hopefully that'll be a way of kindve losing myself for a little bit.  After that it is back to reality as my babyshower is on Saturday somewhere in Gary.  Words can not possibly describe how nervous I am to have to grab a microphone and talk to like a hundred people about my kid.  I find it hard to believe that it is going to go smoothly but I'm sure that's what my next blog will be about. Guess we'll see!

Friday, March 7, 2014


I'm so pumped that I sold my twenty one pilots ticket to get a ticket to Linkin Park only to have it sell out on me while I'm in school.  This one won't be a 250 word rant or else it'll get ugly so I'll just leave it at this; boo.

Job Life

I have come to the conclusion that it is nearly impossible for a sixteen year old to find a job.  I have been trying for the last like six months and still have yet to even get a callback.  I get that if you're hiring someone for a job I'm probably the last person you'd want, but they don't know me yet so it's not like they know that!  I have probably been rejected by every fast food place in a 20 mile radius, then when you count in restaurants, grocery stores, and all that I have easily been rejected by fifty places.  If I don't get to be the shark everyone laughs at on the side of the road I don't know another option.  I am willing to settle for anything that will make me money that's legal. Maybe when I turn seventeen next week it'll get a little better.


So yesterday I posted a picture on facebook of my baby's ultrasound picture, and it has been kind've funny looking at everyone trying to notice my girlfriend's stomach today.  The amount of attention it is going to get over the past few months is already quite annoying but it is something that will be gotten used to.  For those of you who would be interested in knowing, I am having a baby girl and her name will be Skye Elizabeth Dado.  As much as I have been criticized for it,  I am looking forward to the opportunity to see her and am counting down the days.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Now that my days of going to concerts like every other week are over, I have to pick and choose about what I attend and I have quite the tough decision on my hands for my birthday.  Do I want to go to Emmure where I will die in the pit?  Do I want to go to Bam Margera and meet one of my idols but see one of the worst concert performances in the history of humanity?  Do I want to go to Ghost B.C. where I can easily be sacrificed to the leader of the underworld?  The decisions are too much.  Oh yeah I turn 17 in like three weeks.  Sweeeet I can finally get into rated R movies without having to sneak in.  That's really the only benefit to being seventeen but I'll take it. We'll see how 2014 goes. #yearofthefather

Bonnaroo Rant.

It's time for me to go on a little rant about the wonderful Bonnaroo festival coming out. I am so tired of hearing about it that I can't live with it much longer.  For some reason Lollapalooza is now insignificant and all of the cool cats have the great idea that they are going to take the trip for Bonnaroo.  Maybe three of you are actually going to wind up going, so please just stop going on and on about how amazing the lineup is and how excited you are to spend your weekend in a tent.  Maybe this isn't long enough, but I am trying to keep it appropriate and that won't happen if I continue on, so bye!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Year; New Attempt

Well, it looks like I'm getting to use this blog for the first time in close to 2 years.  We'll see how I manage to push the boundaries on what I can and can't write about this time! Apparently now we have to write 250 words though which is pretty dumb because that completely defeats the purpose of random blogs.  It looks like I kind of need to find a way to waste some words! Well, I am honestly pretty glad that I have to use this thing again.  It's kind of fun to come up with nonsense to write about.  Well, this is going to be my opening blog cause I'm not really feeling anything else right now.